Lab manuals are available through CreateSpace, CreateSpace Direct Wholesale, and Amazon for low prices starting at $10. Each lab manual is available in both English and German translation.
Currently available and upcoming titles are listed below under the following headings:
- Sports
- Transportation
- Construction
- Environment
- Music
- Entertainment
- General Physics
Bounce, Roll, & Fly! The Science of Balls, Economy
Edition & Volumes 1-8
Walk, Jog, & Run! The Science of Athletic
Training, Volumes 1-3
Lift, Step, & Cycle:
The Science of Exercise Equipment, Volumes 1-3
Stretch, Hold, Move, & Leap! The Science of Yoga,
Pilates, & Ballet, Volumes 1-3
Glide, Spin, & Jump!: The Science of Ice Skating, Volumes 1-8
The Science of Snow Sports, Volumes 1 & 2
The Science of Hockey, Volumes 1-3
The Science of Gymnastics, Volumes 1-3
The Science of Field & Track, Volumes 1-3
The Science of Archery & Shooting Sports, Volumes 1-2
The Science of Fencing
The Science of Snow Sports, Volumes 1 & 2
The Science of Hockey, Volumes 1-3
The Science of Gymnastics, Volumes 1-3
The Science of Field & Track, Volumes 1-3
The Science of Archery & Shooting Sports, Volumes 1-2
The Science of Fencing
Soar! The Science of Flight, Volumes 1-2
Rotate, Slip, & Stop! The Science of the Wheel, Volumes 1-3
The Science of
Vehicular Motion, Volumes 1-3
Choo! Choo! Chugga, Chugga, Chugga!: The Science of Trains, Volumes 1-3
Choo! Choo! Chugga, Chugga, Chugga!: The Science of Trains, Volumes 1-3
Science of Floating & Boating, Volumes
Hammer, Nail, & Screw: The Science of Home
Construction, Volumes 1 & 2
Heat, Energy, & Light Bulbs! The Science of
Energy Efficiency, Volumes 1-3
Fluid Dynamics & The Science of Natural
Waterways, Volume 1
Where Does Sound Come From? Volumes 1-4
How Do You Play That Thingamabob?: The Science of
Music Performance, Vols .1 & 2
The Science of Marbles: Volumes 1 & 2The Science of Toys, Volumes 1 & 2
General Physics
Gravity, Springs, and Collisions: Graphs from
Classical Physics Experiments for Independent Study & Homeschool, Volumes 1-2
Electricity and Magnetism: Graphs from Physics Experiments for Independent Study & Homeschool, Volumes 1-3
Electricity and Magnetism: Graphs from Physics Experiments for Independent Study & Homeschool, Volumes 1-3
Free Samples
Free samples are available for download from the Schottenbauer Publishing website:
- Where Does Sound Come From? [Selections]
- Glide, Spin, & Jump!: The Science of Ice Skating [Selections]
Amazon features free preview pages for most lab manuals. Selected previews are available from YouTube. Summaries of each book are provided under Science Education.
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