Stretch, Hold, Move, & Leap! The Science of Yoga, Pilates, & Ballet: Volume 4
(German/Deutsch Title: Dehnen, Halten, Bewegen & Springen! Die Wissenschaft des Yoga, Pilates, & Ballett: Band 4)
Volume 4 features brightly colored graphs depicting a variety of complex moves from yoga, Pilates, and ballet. Examples include a yoga sun salutation, Pilates splits, backbend, and inverted bicycle, and a series of ballet leaps (Glissade, Sauté, Soubresaut, Pas Assemblé, Pas de Chat, Sissonne Fermée, Royale, Grand Jeté, and Cabriole). Graphs show x-y coordinates plotted against time for the positions of the hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and/or head during exercises. For comparison data, the Appendix also contains graphs showing a ball flying through the air, falling, and bouncing on a carpet. These data can be used for lesson plans by teachers and parents.
Note: These biophysics data are samples from one individual and are not representative of the population.
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